Today was fantastique! I felt like I was getting into a usual groove. I had French class at 9am (much too early, but oh well.) My teacher is so french. She's was very chic in her wide navy pants, tailored white shirt, large red belt, and her hair in a tight chignon. She is sweet and talks slowly which I appreciate.
My methodology teacher is also very French. He's kind of scruffy and came in wearing a leather jacket and a could just imagine him on his vespa riding through the city. He was also kind and patient, but learning the French education system in French is not easy. We talked about the Swine flu and wrote a little paper on it. Instead of a thesis statement, he wanted a question to start the paper. It felt very awkward writing a question to start a paper. Hopefully I'll get used to it!
I bought a Paris Match today, their version of US Weekly, or Peopele, and all the major articles were on americans! Ted Kennedy was on the cover and there was a 20 (20!) page spread on him. Then they had an interview with Harrison Ford and Hillary Swank. It was just odd, I wanted to read about European "gossip" but the majority was american.
I got a Navigo card, finally! The Navigo is the metro card for Parisians (similar to the Chicago card or smart trip.) We kept being told that you needed to fill out an application, have an ID picture, and prove that you lived in France before you could get one, so I kept putting it off. Today, there was no one at the ticket window so I went up and asked if I could get a navigo. The guy looked at me as if i was retarded, of course I could get a navigo! His only question was if I wanted it charged for a week or month. It was so easy! After spending 57 euros I won't have to pay for the metro for another month! It sounds like a lot, but each ride is 1. 60 euros, so I should get my money's I'm determined to use it more and therefore steal (sort of) some money from the government.
I also took an hour and a half walk around my neighborhood today, the 13th and 14th arrodisments. I really enjoy the neighborhood. It's full of working class people, as well as adorable little French families. There is a beautiful park across the street from me called Parc Montsouris. It reminds me somewhat of Central Park in NYC. It's lush and green, there's a large pond, running paths, and also lots of children. There's even an old fashioned mary-go-round that I secretly want to ride...I think i'm a little too big. It was nice to sit and people watch, and especially to listen to little kids speak because it's much easier to understand them.
Aside from the park, there are also many cute little cafes and bakeries, butchers, etc. I think I could enjoy living here, but not in my little room here.
I had a wonderful salad for dinner filled with ham, melons, little filo doughs filled with chevre, lettuce, tomatoes, and crusty bread with olive tapenade. And some red wine, bien sur. I almost took a picture of the salad because it was so pretty, but felt silly doing it. Maybe next time!
P.S. I don't put accents on anything because I'm not using a European computer and I'm just too lazy.
Nina comes tomorrow! Yay, reunion!
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