Salut! Friday night I had a gggggggreat cheeseburger (American, I know.) This place, Hotel Amour, is known for their burgers, so I had to get one. It had brie and some other hard cheese reminiscent of cheddar, but the cheese didn't overpower the burger. And the meat was so tasty, you could tell it was good quality. It also had just the right amount of tangyness from the pickle...basically i was in love. Anyway, it's a very chic restaurant. Great people watching, very pretty people who looked like they were in the fashion world.
After dinner we went to a not so nice bar in the Latin quarter, but it was full of Sciences Po kids, so that was fun. I just didn't really like the atmosphere because most of the places there are pretty touristy...but the company was fantastic!
Saturday I pretended I was Lebanese and spent the day with Nina and her family friends. We went shopping around the Vavin metro stop and eventually into St. Germain des Pres. There are so many shoes I want, it's so bad. When I find an awesome pair I'm going to break out my babysitting money and buy a pair (thank you , Willem.) Even though I didn't buy anything, I wrote down the stores I liked, so when I have a good list I'll put it up here!
Last night I had a great picnic in the park of the Cite. About ten of us went to grocery store and bought a bunch of stuff. Unfortunately, this was the one time I've forgotten to bring a bag to the grocery store thus far, so I had to buy a plastic bag. All the bags said "reuse me I used to be..." and there is a picture of a tomato. So cute! Too bad mine accidentally got thrown out...poor tomato.
After the picnic we went to a fun bar/club called "The International." There is no cover (whoo hoo!) and drinks are cheap! Plus it's all French bands, so it was really fun. The two bands I heard last night were both really good and had a lot of energy. At one point, the rockier of the two had the audience crouch down on the floor. I'm not sure why he did it, but it looked cool seeing 60 or so people all crouching down during the middle of a concert. Also, they gave you drinks in actual glasses, so I had no place to put mine during the show and put it in my purse and "accidentally" took it with me. So now I have a sweet glass from some vodka company. I think I want to start a collection of glasses I've collected from restaurants here. I'd be a pretty good memento.
Today I went to the musee d'orsay! All the museums are free on the first Sunday of every month, so I didn't have to pay! I saw a great Max Ernst show about a novel he drew where each day had a different theme such as water, blood, darkness, etc. They were prints of these men and women at the turn of the 19th century doing something normal like drinking tea, but then whatever the theme of that day was would be in the picture in a menacing way. For instance, if the day was water, a wave would be overcoming them. Sometimes the people in the pictures had bird heads or dragon wings. I'm doing an awful job of explaining this, but it was awesome. I wanted to buy postcards, but they didn't have any! Why is it museums never have the postcards I want?
Then I tried desperately to find a supermarket but everything was closed! I guess I forgot most things close here on Sunday. I knew shops would be, but I though a grocery store would be open, I mean ya gotta eat! So then I wandered into the fantastic park across from me where it seemed like all of Paris was ( I guess that's where they go when everything is closed.) Again, I watched adorable french children frolic. So cute!
I have seen so many French people wearing Abercombie and Fitch here! Initially I thought they were American, but then they started speaking French, and let's be honest, Americans who speak French are not usually the same Americans who wear Abercombie and Fitch. I have no idea why it's so popular all of a sudden, but it is.
I've also seen a ton of people wearing Franklin & Marshall Shirts. Turns out, a French designer went to Franklin & Marshall, liked their logo, bought the rights to it and is now selling it in France! Maybe I should break out my GW sweatshirt? Or better yet open a GW bookstore here and sell silly French people overpriced collegiate wear!
Abercrombie and Fitch is strangely popular here in the UK too. I've known several people who ask their American friends to stock up on A&F and Hollister stuff for them when they go home for Christmas. There are some stores around here but they're more expensive. In fact I'm facebook friends with one guy who posts statuses about how much he loves A&F and desperately wants to work for them. I don't get it, just reminds me of the popular people who made fun of me in middle school!