Monday, October 5, 2009


As I've mentioned before, Franklin & Marshall paraphernalia is big here. Today I walked into a store that sells their sweatshirts. I was thinking they would be around 30 euros, oh no, 85 euros For a fake college sweatshirt. I'm seriously thinking about selling my GW stuff, it seems like I could get a lot for it.

My one class today was cancelled because the teacher is too damn important to teach. She has changed our class schedule so many times it is ridiculous. I get it, she's the head of the Georgian opposition party, she's got more important stuff to do. Fine, then stay in Georgia and don't teach a class in France! It's really frustrating. Sciences Po likes having all these fancy people teach classes. They fly in a guy from New York every week to teach a law class...really, you couldn't find a guy from a fancy law firm in Paris to teach?!

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